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Some resources and activities may prompt a child to remember and potentially share an experience of harm. Make sure you’re familiar with your school's safeguarding policies and procedures so you can confidently report safety and well-being concerns.

Prepare students for the session by discussing: their right to be safe and respected; what to do if discussing online safety makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe; and how to seek help if they feel or have felt unsafe. Use this resource available on the website.

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Classroom pop-ups: A storytelling lesson

Age group
Ages 4-6
Content Cyber-Risk Management
Media and Information Literacy
Online Safety
Risk areas
Digital Technologies
A computer screen with pop-up dialogue boxes.


Please review our child safeguarding statement before you begin.

In this lesson, learners will explore pop-up ads as a form of digital advertising through storytelling and roleplay. It will cover the fundamentals of what pop-ups are and explain that while these ads often aim to capture attention, they can also encourage clicks that might compromise learners’ safety.

The main activity encourages children to unleash their creativity by imagining themselves as pop-up ads. They will brainstorm stories about what their ad would be like, how it would act, and what kinds of things it might offer. The combination of storytelling and roleplay will make the topic relatable and memorable, ensuring that learners leave with a clear understanding of how to safely engage with their online environments.

  • Project the lesson slides onto a central screen. These can be found in this lesson plan pack or downloaded as a PowerPoint in the Resources section of the lesson page.
    • (Optional) Provide a digital version of the presentation for learners using assistive technology.
  • A space that is big enough for small groups/pairs to play.
    • (Optional) A quiet space for learners who may feel overwhelmed by crowds or loud noises which may occur during group play.
  • (Optional) Drawing materials/playdough or communication boards for learners who require alternative means of expression.

A digital license poster for ESmart.

This lesson is part of the FREE digital licence program

Essential digital citizenship and online safety skills for primary school-aged learners.
Supported by the Australian Government
Curriculum aligned, educator-led lesson plans
Fun and engaging supporting video content
Reward progress with the printable ‘quest’ map

Learning Intentions

Learners will:
  • Understand what pop-up ads are and how they appear during digital device use, such as during games or videos.
  • Practice appropriate responses to pop-up ads, including how to close them and when to seek help from a trusted adult.

These intentions are evidenced when learners can:

  • Identify pop-up ads when they appear and describe their features, demonstrating an understanding of what they are.
  • Demonstrate at least one way they will avoid engaging with pop up ads.
Educators will:
  • Develop strategies to effectively teach learners about pop-up ads as a form of digital advertising, highlighting their features and the importance of recognising them.
  • Enhance their skills in fostering digital literacy among learners, focusing on safe online behaviours and critical thinking about digital content.

These intentions are evidenced when Educators can:

  • Successfully lead discussions that help learners identify pop-up ads and articulate their features, demonstrating a clear understanding of what they are.
  • Ensure that learners can practise appropriate responses to pop-up ads, including identifying how to close them and discussing when to ask for help.

Lesson Instructions

eSmart Digital Licence logo with 'Join us on the Quest' branding.
Discussion: Introduce the lesson
Slides 1 & 2: Uh oh, what’s happened?
  • A pop-up has appeared on the game screen: An ad that surprises us while watching videos, playing games/browsing.
  • Gather experience of pop-ups and feelings towards them.
  • Explain that we should ignore, close/skip them.
Slide 3: If pop-ups are annoying, why do they exist?
  • To encourage us to buy: Promote new products, lure us in with sales or free items.
  • To get our information: Bank details, email addresses, where we live. Some are scams.
Slide 4: What might encourage us to click on them?
  • Follow visual prompts.


Main activity

Note: This activity is adaptable. Learners can use storytelling only, roleplay with puppets/soft toys, or do more structured roleplay that they can share with the class live or using tablets.

Slide 5: What if you turned into a pop-up?
  • Present the scenario.
Slide 6: Generate stories and/or roleplay
  • In pairs or small groups, come up with a story where someone turns into a pop-up.
    • What will the “ad” do to try and persuade the person to click on it?
    • What would happen if the person clicked on the ad?
    • How would the person try to close the ad so that they can turn back to a person?
Group discussion
  • Present stories and/or roleplay back to the class.


Exit pass
Discussion: Thumbs up, thumbs down
  • Read the statements on Slide 7. Ask learners if they agree (thumbs up) or disagree (thumbs down).
    • Statements 3 and 4 are “thumbs down”, otherwise the rest are “thumbs up”.
  • Invite volunteers to explain why they agree or disagree, and why. Discuss as a group.

If some learners struggle with the concepts, consider a breakout group to work on the “Top-up” activity on Slide 6.


(Optional) Top-up or extend the lesson
Top-up the lesson

For learners who need more help meeting the learning intentions & success criteria.

  • Conduct a guided discussion using the Content Island risk area map. On the map, ask learners to write or draw one way that they can close a pop-up, and one way they can identify a pop-up. Review previous slides if necessary for visual clues. Colour in the Content Island risk area map once the task is complete.
Extend the lesson

For learners who have met the learning intentions & success criteria, and need a bit more of a challenge.

  • Ask learners to draw their own pop-up ad using the template provided on Slide 9.
  • They should make sure that it is enticing and designed to lure people in. Review previous slides if necessary to provide visual cues and prompts.



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Educator lesson notes




Australian Curriculum (Version 9.0)   

The Australian Curriculum outlines the fundamental knowledge, comprehension, and abilities students are expected to acquire as they advance through the initial 11 years of schooling. 

Foundation: Digital Literacy

Manage Privacy and Digital Identity:

  • Recognise their personal data and that data (including text, images, and video) can be seen by others when shared online.

Foundation: Digital Technologies

  • AC9TDIFK01: recognise and explore digital systems (hardware and software) for a purpose
  • AC9TDIFP01: identify some data that is personal and owned by them.

Foundation: Drama

  • AC9ADRFD01: Use play, imagination, arts knowledge, processes and/or skills to discover possibilities and develop ideas.

Year One: Digital Literacy

Manage Privacy and Digital Identity:

  • Recognise that online tools (website and apps) store their personal data, which may give an impression of them

Year One: Digital Technologies

  • AC9TDI2K01: identify and explore digital systems and their components for a purpose
  • AC9TDI2P07: discuss that some websites and apps store their personal data online

Year One: Drama

  • AC9ADR2D01: Use the elements of drama and imagination in dramatic play and/or process drama.
  • AC9ADR2C01: Create and co-create fictional situations based on imagination and/or experience.
  • AC9ADR2P01: Share their drama in informal settings.

CASEL Framework    

The CASEL Framework creates a foundation for applying evidence-based, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) strategies both at school and in the broader community. Its aim is to support the cultivation of SEL skills and environments that advance students’ learning and development.      

  • Responsible decision-making: The abilities to make caring and constructive choices about personal behaviour and social interactions across diverse situations.  For example:  
    • Learning how to make a reasoned judgment after analysing information, data, and facts.
    • Recognising how critical thinking skills are useful both inside and outside of school.

My Time, Our Place – Framework for School Age Care in Australia    

The aim of My Time, Our Place: Framework for School Age Care in Australia (the Framework) is to assist educators to provide children and young people with opportunities to maximise their potential and develop a foundation for successful lifelong learning. The Framework has been designed for use by approved providers and school age care educators working in partnership with children and young people, their families and the community, including schools.

Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

This is evident when children:

• Understand that people put up information that tells you news about the world.

• Understand that not all information on digital technology is true.

Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners

This is evident, for example, when children:

• Apply a wide variety of strategies to use digital technology to engage with situations and solve problems, and adapt these strategies to new situations.

Checkpoint: Make it work for everyone

Differentiate the lesson by assessing the discussion. Modify instruction as appropriate, based on whether learners can:

  • Identify different types of pop-ups and their purposes.
  • Explain appropriate responses to pop-ups, such as ignoring or closing them.


  • Discuss your experience with pop-ups and encourage others to do the same.
  • Ask them to imagine what they would feel like if something suddenly popped up and interrupted what they were doing, and they weren’t sure how to make it stop. Model this with puppets or a volunteer, if appropriate.
Checkpoint: Check understanding

Observe activity participation. Modify instruction if learners struggle to:

  • Broadly articulate the behaviour of pop-up ads.
  • Generate ideas for their stories.


  • Model a scenario as a whole group. Act as the pop-up ad and have volunteers try out different behaviours to change back. Validate correct answers.
  • Return to Slide 4 to offer visual prompts for the types of behaviours that pop-up ads exhibit.
Checkpoint: Learning intentions & success criteria

Assess the “Exit pass” to ensure  learners have met the following success criteria:

  • Learners can identify pop-up ads when they appear and describe their features, demonstrating an understanding of what they are.
  • Learners will demonstrate at least one way they will avoid engaging with pop up ads.
Next steps:

If some learners didn’t meet the criteria, conduct the “Top-up” activity provided in the lesson slides.

Discussion about the lesson’s themes can be continued at home, by setting the extension task as homework.

Important Note: If this lesson is part of the eSmart Digital Licence, you’ll need to ensure that all learners have met the success criteria before accessing the Digital Licences.

The flag of the Australian Aboriginal people, featuring a black top half, a red bottom half, and a yellow circle in the center.The flag of the Torres Strait Islander people, featuring a blue field with green borders and a white dancer's headdress in the center, over a white star.
The Alannah & Madeline Foundation acknowledges and pays respect to the many First Nations and Traditional Custodians of the land and waters where we live, work and provide our services. We recognise and celebrate their spiritual and ongoing connection to culture and Country. We pay our respects to all Elders past and present, and with their guidance are committed to working to ensure all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people are safe and inspired with the freedom to flourish.
The Foundation adheres to the Victorian Child Safe Standards and the National Child Safe Principles. We are committed to promoting and prioritising child safety and uphold the rights of children and young people to be safe. View our Child Safeguarding - Policy & Framework.
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