Child Safeguarding Statement
Some resources and activities may prompt a child to remember and potentially share an experience of harm. Make sure you’re familiar with your school's safeguarding policies and procedures so you can confidently report safety and well-being concerns.
Prepare students for the session by discussing: their right to be safe and respected; what to do if discussing online safety makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe; and how to seek help if they feel or have felt unsafe. Use this resource available on the website.
How to complete the eSmart Digital Licence program
Take your learners on a quest to explore four key areas of online safety and achieve their own Digital Licences.
Get your resource pack!
We’ve put together everything you need to complete the eSmart Digital Licence program in a convenient resource pack.
Steps to achieve the eSmart Digital Licence
The program consists of four core lessons and two optional introduction and conclusion sessions. It is recommended to complete these sessions over the course of one school term, but it can be condensed or spread out as required.
Prepare your materials
Ensure four lesson plans have been chosen - one from each of the four online safety risk areas. Lesson plans can be found in your resource pack or browsed on the lesson plans page. Next: prepare your materials. The resource pack comes with worksheets representing each risk area as an ‘island’ to visit. These can be used individually with learners and assembled to create a progression map. These printables link to the videos and are a fun way to track progress through the program.
Run the introduction session
Introduce learners to the eSmart Digital Licence quest using the animated video provided. Set goals with your class that will help shape your online-safety journey. Use our introduction page to help focus your discussion.
Run four lessons - one from each online safety risk area
Prior to starting a lesson, show learners the relevant risk area video and discuss the themes that will be covered. Work through the lesson plan and ensure that every learner meets the exit pass criteria at the end. Once the lesson is complete, hand out the corresponding island map and celebrate learning progress.
Complete the evaluation to obtain Licence templates
Once all the lessons have been completed, fill in a brief survey about your learning journey to access printable templates for the eSmart Digital Licences.
Run the conclusion session and award the Licences
Celebrate the end of the eSmart Digital Licence program by distributing the Licences. Acknowledge and celebrate the completion of your journey to becoming positive digital citizens.